Monday, July 15, 2013

Mark 3:35. “My true brother and sister and mother are those who do what God wants.”

It is a blessing to have a believing earthly family! I am blessed :)

Early Saturday morning we went to the Lily Fest in Rockbridge. It has over 3 acres dedicated to a natural approach to landscaping with thousands of lilies, roses, hosta and 2 ponds overflowing with water plants. It was started as an annual event many years ago but recently was given to Hocking County Parks by the Bishop family...what a wonderful gift. Many artists set up camp to sell their wares and different musicians play the whole 4 days that it is open. So glad we went :)

It is sweltering hot in the Ohio Valley! Tim is going to try to mow the front fields @the Quarry. I am not sure if that is a good idea. They still have not wired the barn there but hopefully it will get finished some time this week :(

Stay cool and be blessed!