Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Love and all that stuff!

Yesterday about 11AM I got a call from my 2 daughters that their 64 year old father had a stroke. Their father and I were married for 24 years and had our only (4) children was a difficult marriage to say the least but it was a LONG time ago. The girls needed someone to stay with the 7 grand happened at the time I had the cable company setting in my yard to bury a cable that had been cut and  I was waiting for a call from the electric company concerning the lack of electric at the Quarry....not good timing but No one is willing to watch that many children but grandparents. As soon as Pooh (DH) got back from the Quarry we made the trip to Columbus to watch over (play with) the kids. If you ever pass an older lady pushing a double stroller with 2 babies and 3 children whizzing past her on bicycles it might be me :) the neighborhood will never be the same. Thankfully their father will make a complete recovery and I had a chance to talk to his wife and offer my prayers....she has had a difficult year.

We never know what life will hand us but love can cover a multitude of hurt if we allow it :)
