Monday, July 29, 2013

The Huber Family Reunion

All of the siblings (even Aunt Irene who is 93) but Mary who is in a nursing home in Portland OR were there. But the number of cousins who attend is dwindling fast. There were probably only about 20 or so of us. From my siblings only Joe's family, me and my daughter Ashley with her family were there. A vote was taken on whether to have it next year and no one raised there hand to host it......after the second vote....I raised my hand, what the heck was I thinking? I was thinking of my Dad.....hopefully I can come up with something to generate activity for next year....I have a helper who I think is my Godfather's youngest daughter! It would be so sad to never see my Aunts and Uncle and their families while they are still here to hug!!

The Fulton babies spent the night on Friday so that Dad could compete in a gun shoot in the city of Marietta. Marla and family came to visit  Saturday and the 7 grandbabies had a good time....the house looked like a cyclone had gone through it....BUT we had a really good time... I love our visits :)

This week I will play catch up on classes, cleaning and such....

Have a blessed day!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Hello sinus infection!

Yesterday the afternoon was spent waiting in DRS' offices with DH. One for his current misery with a sinus infection (early in the season for him) and the other one we have waited for 2 months to see. His regular DR has decided that he needs to have a sinus scan and an appointment with an ENT...he gets so tired of seeing all these DRS.

The Wellston babies are spending the night tonight so that Mom and Dad can have a little R&R....bad timing but that is life :) we will just have to be a LITTLE bit quieter than normal!!

I am mowing today and then a quick trip to the grocery store...have to get those Bagel Bites for Kaeden you know!

Be blessed!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Luke 24:27, Jesus began to tell them the story of God’s plan for people, “starting with Moses and all the prophets, and everything that had been written about Himself in the Scriptures.”

We, all who believe in Jesus Christ, we are the Body Of Christ. Jesus came to earth and gave His life in exchange for ours so that we could have an abundant and eternal life. We are His hands and His heart meant to show others the love of God and the gift that He gave in the salvation of Jesus for all of mankind. We need to be about our Fathers' plan and spread the Good News :)

DH has an appointment with another specialist today!! He has been feeling punk (doing nothing totally unlike him) the last couple of days  (sinus infection an ongoing issue) but did not want to cancel since it took 2 months to get away we go!! Prayers are appreciated!!

The weather is absolutely beautiful!

Be blessed..

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Love and all that stuff!

Yesterday about 11AM I got a call from my 2 daughters that their 64 year old father had a stroke. Their father and I were married for 24 years and had our only (4) children was a difficult marriage to say the least but it was a LONG time ago. The girls needed someone to stay with the 7 grand happened at the time I had the cable company setting in my yard to bury a cable that had been cut and  I was waiting for a call from the electric company concerning the lack of electric at the Quarry....not good timing but No one is willing to watch that many children but grandparents. As soon as Pooh (DH) got back from the Quarry we made the trip to Columbus to watch over (play with) the kids. If you ever pass an older lady pushing a double stroller with 2 babies and 3 children whizzing past her on bicycles it might be me :) the neighborhood will never be the same. Thankfully their father will make a complete recovery and I had a chance to talk to his wife and offer my prayers....she has had a difficult year.

We never know what life will hand us but love can cover a multitude of hurt if we allow it :)


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It is always is called LIFE

Yesterday afternoon we found out the electricity was no longer working at the Quarry....what next? But in the scheme of things....MINOR.....and after thousands of dollars hopefully...FIXABLE!

Last evening we (Mom, Dad and me) went to listen to my niece and nephews' "Lancaster Summer Band" perform at the Homestead, a local nursing home. They were really good! I love my nieces and nephews :)

Have a blessed day!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Tim and I went to STS Peter and Paul to help out with the playground stencil painting....Kris (DD and principal) and I filled in the stencils with bright colors of childhood memories...I found out that I am not as flexible as I thought I was....can you hear "trouble standing up the next morning?"

The air is off and the windows are open...yipee!!!...the heat wave has eased up for this week!

A small thing to many but to me monumental... I managed to download my Bible Study Logos to my laptop and for that I am very thankful!! It is the small things in life  you know that make me the happiest :)

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Luke 17:33 says, “Whoever tries to keep his life safe will lose it, and the one who’s prepared to lose his life will preserve it.”

I will never be good enough nor smart enough to save myself......but the Good News is God can do all that I cannot when I give my life to Him!

Our cable is now put back together and the digital world is working in the Crosby house!! I still have not found the placemats (Cait's quilts) that she hid somewhere in this house when she spent the night!! She has such a warped sense of humor you know....that's my baby!!

It is still excessively hot in the Ohio Valley and Tim is over at the Quarry mowing while the heat is still bearable. I am watering my hydrangea 2x's a day just to keep them from wilting but the one I planted in the Secret Garden @ the Quarry is happy as a clam with a gallon jug of water a day....the soil there from 100 years of no use is heavy with nutritional goodness.

We are going down to my daughter's school where she is principal Saturday morning to help paint stencils on the playground....Pooh is soooo good about helping out when I know that he would prefer just about anything else!! It is payment for the days I spend in his booth selling his powder horns :) I am thankful for both!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Life in the digital world

Our Internet cable was accidentally cut in two yesterday afternoon......we r so dependent on it!

With no phone, no TV and no Internet communications....I am going to design today.....and wait for Time Warner who said that they would be here last night!

Have a wonderful and blessed day!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Make the most of the talents that God has given you and me:)

Sometimes we wonder if what we are doing matters. The truth is if we are using the gifts that the Father has given us and we have joy in them we are doing what He ordained for us and we are honoring Him with our talents.

Each of us should rejoice in the accomplishment of others...and be humbly thankful that He gave us our own to share :)

Be blessed!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Mark 3:35. “My true brother and sister and mother are those who do what God wants.”

It is a blessing to have a believing earthly family! I am blessed :)

Early Saturday morning we went to the Lily Fest in Rockbridge. It has over 3 acres dedicated to a natural approach to landscaping with thousands of lilies, roses, hosta and 2 ponds overflowing with water plants. It was started as an annual event many years ago but recently was given to Hocking County Parks by the Bishop family...what a wonderful gift. Many artists set up camp to sell their wares and different musicians play the whole 4 days that it is open. So glad we went :)

It is sweltering hot in the Ohio Valley! Tim is going to try to mow the front fields @the Quarry. I am not sure if that is a good idea. They still have not wired the barn there but hopefully it will get finished some time this week :(

Stay cool and be blessed!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Luke 15. “You are always with me; all that I have is yours.”

God loves us so.....all of us especially those who choose to accept this agape love that He offers!

Today we are mowing....yipeee no rain....I know that is hard to believe but the weatherman said "NO RAIN" you think we can hold him to it :)

Summer is going way to fast :(

Have a blessed day!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

John 8:11 “Anyone here who has never sinned can throw the first stone at her.”

God is into the business of restoration.....may we be ever so grateful and humbled by His mercy and grace!

Our electric was out from about 5:30- 9:30 PM last could have been much worse if the babies were here....thank goodness they went home earlier in the afternoon!

Today we are going to a farm sale preview that is suppose to have small hay wagons for sale...hmmmm, we will see!

There is a forecast of no rain today and a high of 80 degrees....could it possibly be true?

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The babies are coming the babies are coming.....

The Columbus grandchildren are spending the night tonight....I hope the rain stops long enough to let us go to the Quarry and hike the trails!

Timmy will hide in his shop and the kids and I will, create in the studio, play monster and eat junk food :) that is just the way it is!

Yesterday I worked all day on photos and Project Life and accomplished much. It felt good!

Have a blessed day.

Monday, July 8, 2013

“The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” (I Timothy 1:14)

It is never too late to turn your life around....just believe in His power to do the miraculous in you :)

Saturday was my youngest grandson Carrig's 1st birthday and his baptism @St Agatha's Catholic Church. I am sooo grateful to God that all of my grandchildren are being raised Christian....He is a rewarder of those who put their trust in Him!!

There were about 50 people at the cookout and he managed to eat the WHOLE small cake he was about a sugar high ;)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Psalm 25:1-2: “Lord, I give myself to You, my God. I trust You.”

What a wonderful, albeit wet, 4th of July!

Food, food and more food! Cards, monster games, lots of hugs, a trip to the see the new barn with Nana's babies and ending with  tons of can see the City of Lancaster's from our deck.

Trust in God and be Blessed beyond measure :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray…then I will hear from heaven.” (II Chron. 7:14 NIV)

The house is clean, the food is cooking, the ice is chilling the is a holiday...
a time of celebrating with family and friends.

My sister and family are visiting from TX and all the family will be here soon...

I am grateful for my family and for the blessed life we are privileged to live in the United States. We all need to pray for the leaders of our country especially the President, Senate and Congress that they may lead in peace.  In our governments peace we have peace as a nation.

Happy 4th of July America!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Psalm 56:3, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”

After the passing of my only son in a car wreck 9 years ago fear for my loved ones has become a daily occurrence as I wake only consolation is that when it occurs I immediately hand it over to my dear Holy Spirit.

 Recognizing an emotion such as fear is the first step. Allowing yourself to experience it builds empathy in your heart for those going through similar circumstances so that God can use it for the good of others. Nothing that we give to Him returns void!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Paul said in Galatians 6:14: “The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is my only reason for bragging.”

Humility, fairness and mercy please our Father

He hates pride and arrogance....nuff said!

My sister and family are here from TX...yipee...the guys are golfing and we are going to meet them for lunch @Nick's a local pizza place with great food!! Tomorrow Amish country and Der Dutchman....what can I say my parents love to eat out :)

Have a wonderful day!