Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year 2012

We spent New Year's Eve with my parents and my Dad's little sister Phyllis and her husband. Cards? Definitely! Food? Of course! Stories of my Dad's childhood? Fantastic!

If we do not know our  family history, the good, the bad and the downright ugly, it is hard to understand what has molded them to be the people that they have become today. It makes us more compassionate and understanding to the good, the bad and the ugly that has shaped us and our families.

Much tragedy, much love, much hard work and perseverance formed them and was passed on to their families.....all of it.... the good, the bad and the downright ugly.

Our past can dictate our future OR be used as a tool for change. Respect the past, live in the present and always keep  an eye on eternity.