Thursday, June 11, 2015

Tuesday I spent the night in UA with four of my grandchildren...OMGoodness what fun! Ballgame in the evening, swim lessons in the morning and in between my daughter [who is a fantastic cook] fixed BBQ chicken, roasted brussell sprouts and mashed potatoes! She treats Nana well :0) 

My obsession the last couple of weeks has been once again, Lightroom and PhotoShop...I just cannot get enough of designing digital scrapbook pages. I LOVE text and and graphics and it shows by the amount of hard drive space they occupy.

Summertime in all her glory competes heavily with my obsessions and I write now looking out of my front window. Our house sits high and we overlook a tiny Lake Colfax, which is supplied by the Raccoon Run River  and is surrounded by rows of trees and fields. I love the view and it is here in this little room that I do my Bible Studies each morning. It has become for me my spiritual oasis.  

Life is sometimes elusive and romantic and sometimes reality creeps in but as I age it happens less often...I prefer to live in God's reality and not my own.

Be blessed and enjoy the day that He has given you!