Friday, January 2, 2015

Family is our greatest blessing!

Yesterday afternoon after Mom and Dad had left I felt so thankful that I still have my parents with me! We play cards (for Daddy) even though Mom and I won both games of hand and foot...We had enough pork and cabbage left over to send it home with them for their supper! 

The Ohio State win against Alabama was the icing on the cake for the start of 2015 :)

God was good to us in 2014 bringing us through Timmy's health issues and we are looking forward to an even better and healthier 2015 for all our friends and family!

May the love of God and our love for Him inspire us to a greater level of love and devotion not only for our family but also to all the world. Let our light so shine before men that He is glorified :)

Have a blessed day!