Tuesday, November 26, 2013

John 3:6, “Human life comes from human parents, but spiritual life comes from one Spirit.”

Marla and Caitie invited me to join them yesterday for Buckeye Bananza @OSU. Earlier in the month Caitie had to come up with a product to sell with the theme of Breast Cancer Awareness for her 3rd grade school project. We came up with a tag prototype and cost analysis and she presented it to her class. It was one that was chosen to be made, marketed and sold at OSU's Union. Marla and I took turns being one of the chaperones and watching the 2 boys. I handled the outside stuff.... it was 20 degrees. The afternoon ended with a tour of the Buckeye Stadium and I was elected to go with Cait and go home on the bus.......it was awesome!! We walked on the field, sat in the press room and even got into the band room! I forgot to mention that while we were there there was a  Flash Mob right before our booth!!!!!!  It was a really good day for Nana :)

Be blessed!