Monday, August 26, 2013

Christ left us a roadmap..we need to read it to find our way back to Him

The words of the Bible have life. Life-giving words! Nouns with pulse rates. The Bible is to God what a surgical glove is to the surgeon. He reaches through them to touch deep within you. Haven’t you felt His touch? In a late, lonely hour you read, “I will never leave you.  I will never forsake you.” The sentences comfort like a hand on your shoulder.

Don’t make a decision without sitting before God with open Bible, open heart, open ears. Let the words of Christ live in your heart and make you wise.

~Max Lucado

We have had a whirlwind 4 days...

Friday we went to a guitar shop in Columbus...we got lost...we were found thanks to OnStar...DH got the guitar he wanted!!

Saturday we went to Amish Country...we got lost looking for Lehman's Hardware...we were never found and as a result there is no apple press @the Quarry :-( but I found many things to add to my stash :-)

Sunday after church we went to Pickerington to find the magazine "Primitive Quilts" with the 3rd installment of the quilt DH is making...we went to 4 quilt shops Saturday to find the magazine with no luck...we found the mag @Barnes and Nobles...DH is happy :-)

Today bowling resumes....tomorrow I do nothing!! yeah right!

Have a blessed day.