Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Uncle Lloyd and Baby Ashley

Last night my parents and I went to the funeral home to pay our respects to Uncle Lloyd. He lived a long and full life at 96 and even though my Aunt will miss him dearly, they were married 74 years, I am sure that he is rejoicing in heaven. I always enjoy visiting with my relatives and I am thankful that we still have an annual family reunion. It seemed at first a sad place to spend yesterday, on the date of Jamey's passing, but somehow with family gathered it eased the sense of loss that I have each year.

My daughter, Ashley, is having surgery today I am praying for God to guide the hearts and hands of her Doctor, nurses and staff. It is supposed to be a 15 minute procedure..I will be glad when it is safely over :)

January is almost over....not a minute too soon!