Monday, October 29, 2012

And Scripture says, “not height nor depth, not any other created thing…nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.” (Romans 8:39)

Last night we fixed dinner for Mom and Dad and we played cards! The men won one :) and the women won one also :) We laughed....a lot!

Today we are expecting the effects of Sandy and praying for protection for those of us in her path.
We bowl this afternoon but after that we are planning in battening down the hatches and staying home until Wednesday nights' "Trunk or Treat" at thinks that there will not  be a hayride or maze!

We are God’s idea.  We are His.  His face.  His eyes.  His hands.  Look deeply into the face of every human being on earth, and you will see His likeness.  Though some appear to be distant relatives, they are not. We are, incredibly, the body of Christ.  And though we may not act like our Father, there is no greater truth than this:  We are His.  Unalterably.  He loves us.  Undyingly. ~Max Lucado