Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hebrews 13:9 tells us, “Your hearts should be strengthened by God’s grace, not by obeying rules.”

What a beautiful day we had yesterday to drive to Belpre and visit my Mom's sister. It was good to see another of her sons' and his wife that I had not seen for almost 9 years, since Jamey.  I am thankful for family!

My Aunt's only daughter is coming to Ohio for Thanksgiving and so are both of my sisters.... we are planning a get together while they are here....something to look forward too :)

September is hard for me and the girls but God in His mercy lets time heal the rawness of reality and allows the good memories to remain. Childhood memories are becoming more important to me as I age and this family is included in a lot of them. I am so thankful for photos and scrapbook pages that will remind me of those times in the years to come when recalling them may get a little harder!