I am against abortion so I support birth control.
I am against hate crimes so I support laws to make them against the law.
I am against any form of prejudice in the work place and in our society so I support anti discrimination laws.
I am for God's definition of marriage between a man and a woman so I support laws that support marriage and the family.
I think that all people should have decent housing and medical care so I support healthcare and the equal housing commissions.
I support God's edict to support those who cannot care for themselves if people have a gripe with that talk to God what we do for the least of us we do for Him.
I uphold God's words to not mistreat the alien or foreigner among us so I support immigration....after all we were all foreigners unless you are native american.
I believe that businesses make their wealth by the sweat of their workers and should share that wealth with them fairly.
I support laws that make a level playing ground for all people.....not a wealthy few.
I believe that those who make more should pay more consider the case of the woman and the mite.
Am I popular?
Probably not :(