Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day...a cookout (inside) :)

We are having a cookout this afternoon but in the is in the 90's here in the Ohio Valley. Believe it or not I turned on the has got to be hot for me to do The Moloney boys are going to spend the night and every time it seems impossible that Cael is old enough! Wow, where does the time go? Just think in another 6 weeks we will have another little one!

Tim and I really enjoyed the overnight in Amish Country at "The Barn Inn" a Christmas gift. We never tire of the scenery and the goodies we find. I picked out fabric for a baby quilt that Timmy is going to make for our nursery/kids room at the is adorable! What will we do when the babies are grown? Oh well maybe we will be blessed enough to see great grand babies!!

Life is good!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jesus said, “Do good, be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share.

The truth about your stocks, cash, and 4081-K?   They’re not really yours.

The Gospel of Mark tells the story of a poor widow who came to the temple and dropped in two small coins as an offering.  She was down to her last pennies, yet rather than spend them on bread, she returned them to God.

Financial gurus would have urged her to cut back on her giving.  They would have discouraged the generosity of the woman.  But Jesus did just the opposite.  He said,
“I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions.”

God owns everything and gives us all things to enjoy. Let’s move from the fear of scarcity to the comfort of provision.  Experience less hoarding and more sharing.
Replace fear of the coming winter with faith in the living God! 

Max Lucado

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mary and Eric's Recital

Tonight we are going to General Sherman's Spring doesn't seem that long ago that I went to watch Kristyl and Ashley perform at the same school!

How quickly time passes!

God is the great giver who “gives us richly all things to enjoy.”

He is the great provider.  The fount of every blessing.  Absolutely generous and utterly dependable.

The resounding message of Scripture is clear.  God owns it all.  God shares it all.
Trust him–not stuff!

another by Max

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Keep your eyes on the Lord!

Feed your fears, and your faith will starve.  Feed your faith, and your fears will!

That’s what Jeremiah did.  He said, “I am a man who has seen affliction under the rod of God’s wrath.”   Jerusalem was under siege.  His world collapsed like a sand castle in a typhoon.  His body ached.  His heart was sick.  And Jeremiah faulted God for his horrible emotional distress.  But when he realized how fast he was sinking, he shifted his gaze. 

He said, “But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.” 

Jeremiah altered his thoughts, shifted his attention.  He turned his eyes and looked into the wonder of God.  His troubles didn’t cease, but his discouragement did.

Storms are not an option… but fear is!

Max Lucado

Monday, May 14, 2012

Love is the most important verb!

Love is the most important verb.
Change your verbs and you will change the landscape of your life:
Instead of knowing, I hope you will question.
Instead of accumulating, I hope you will give.
Instead of playing to win, I hope you will play to learn.
Instead of competing, I hope you will collaborate.
Instead of hating, I hope you will love.
Instead of remaining silent about inequities, I hope you will speak up.
Instead of despairing, I hope you will be happy in advance.
Instead of fleeing, I hope you will walk straight into all the days of your lives.
Instead of avoiding, I hope you will sit next to someone arm to arm.
Instead of diminishing, I hope you will know, deeply, that every human being you meet is as fully human as you are.
Instead of asking, ‘what will I get from this’, ask ‘what am I bringing to this’?
In addition to working, play.
In addition to protecting, open.
In addition to saving, give.
In addition to dreaming, do.
In addition to doing, dream.
Patti Digh

Wedded bliss!

The girls and I plus Marla's family went to  SC to attend the wedding of Doug and Lauren on Folly Beach this past weekend. They are a sweet couple and with Doug's daughters, Sophia and Carley, they are now a sweet little family!

The weather was beautiful and we spent the night before the wedding in Charleston...what a beautiful historic city on the water.

I loved having my family together to represent the "Wildermuth" side. We had a ball at the reception just watching the kids dance.  They cut a rug quite well :)

Sunday Marla took me to a Mother's Day brunch before we headed back to Ohio. Timmy surprised me when I got home with an antique table for my office for Mother's Day!

I love family:)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

For what it is worth...probably not much :)

I am against abortion so I support birth control.

I am against hate crimes so I support laws to make them against the law.

I am against any form of prejudice in the work place and in our society so I support anti discrimination laws.

I am for God's definition of marriage between a man and a woman so I support laws that support marriage and the family.

I think that all people should have decent housing and medical care so I support healthcare and the equal housing commissions.

I support God's edict to support those who cannot care for themselves if people have a gripe with that talk to God what we do for the least of us we do for Him.

I uphold God's words to not mistreat the alien or foreigner among us so I support immigration....after all we were all foreigners unless you are native american.

I believe that  businesses make their wealth by the sweat of their workers and should share that wealth with them fairly.

I support laws that make a level playing ground for all people.....not a wealthy few.

I believe that those who make more should pay more consider the case of the woman and the mite.

Am I popular?

Probably not :(

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mulch, mulch and more mulch

OK so the 30 bags of mulch turned into 55 bags and 3 trips in town to pick up more of the stuff.....but oh how nice the beds look now!

Tough work but great results...that's what I'm talking about Willis :)

Tomorrow is the Fulton babies play at Sts Peter and Paul and Kamden is playing the lead "Goldilocks" so fitting for my little blondie! Kristyl is coming home with us and Friday morning we will leave for Folly Beach and the Moss wedding!

Life is good :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rain now :( but sunshine in the afternoon :)

Yesterday I mowed and then sat on the porch and enjoyed the view...the simple things in life are really the big things if you know what I mean.

OK, today I need another day of sunshine...I have 30 bags of mulch to spread! The weather at the moment isn't cooperating but it is suppose to clear this afternoon and be a pleasant 70's type of day.

I love my home and even the tedious tasks like weeding because I love the results.

 Life is kind of like pain, no gain.

 We reap the benefits of our hard work if we don't give up and look at them as opportunities for improvement  and the rewards of something well done :)

A Worry-Slapper

Become a “worry-slapper!”  Treat frets like mosquitoes!

Do you procrastinate when a bloodsucking bug lights on your skin?  Do you say, “I’ll take care of that in a moment.”  Of course you don’t!  You give the critter the slap it deserves. 

Be equally decisive with anxiety.  The moment a concern surfaces, deal with it.  Don’t dwell on it.  Head it off before it gets the best of you. 

Don’t waste an hour wondering what your boss thinks; ask her.  Before you diagnose that blemish as cancer, have it examined.  Instead of assuming you’ll never get out of debt, consult an expert.  Be a doer—not a stewier! 

In Matthew 6:32-33,. Jesus said, “Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.  See the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need!”

On that you can depend and never worry!

by Max Lucado!

Friday, May 4, 2012

A Clear Grasp of Grace By Max Lucado

It was 1941 and the University of Texas football team was ranked #1. 

Noble Doss dropped the ball.  One ball.  One pass.  One mistake.  It’s haunted him ever since.  “I cost us a national championship!” he says.

Memories of dropped passes stir a lonely fear, a fear we’ve disappointed people and we’ve come up short.  A ruined marriage.  Angry kids.  Our past pursuing us like a posse.  Can God forgive me?

Mismanaged fear leads to sin; to hiding from God.  To hiding in 80-hour workweeks, temper tantrums, and religious busyness. 

Yes, we’ve disappointed God.  But no, God has not abandoned us!  Jesus loves us too much to leave us in doubt about His grace.  I John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 

Nothing fosters courage like a clear grasp of grace! 


Thursday, May 3, 2012

There are no stilts in God's eyes :)

Perhaps you don’t know about Stiltsville, the village, so strange but so true…
For each evening at six they meet in the circle for the purpose of sticks,
Tall stilts upon which a Stiltsvillian can strut and be lifted above the less and the least, 
the Tribe of Too Smalls, the not cools who want to be tall—but can’t,
because in the giving of sticks, their name was not called.  They didn’t get picked.
(from the children’s book, Tallest of the Smalls)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Myranda Henwood

Yesterday another mother, a high school friend, lost her 35 year old daughter. Myranda had many life challenges to face since early childhood and now she is free from the pain of this world and has gone to be made whole in her last home...God's loving arms. We had another "Breakfast Club" dinner a couple of weeks ago and it just shows how quickly our world can heart is with you Susie!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Little Things....sometimes matter most!

Yesterday we played cards with Mom and Dad

Does it matter that both Daddy and Tim got sick all of a sudden?
Probably not :) What does matter is that we spent time together isn't that what it is all about?