Grief Takes Time
James 4:4 says, “Your life is like a mist. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away.”
We speak of a short life—but compared to eternity, who has a long one? But in God’s plan every life is long enough and every death is timely. And though you and I might wish for a longer life, God knows better.
Ecclesiastes 7:3 says, “Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us.”
Egyptians dress in black for six months. Orthodox Jews offer prayers for a deceased parent every day for eleven months. Some Muslims wear mourning clothes for a year. Am I the only one who senses we hurry our hurts?
Did you know that 70% of the Psalms are poems of sorrow? That the Old Testament includes a book of lamentations?
Grief takes time. Give yourself some.