Wednesday, December 28, 2011

CRS Prayer

All of us can share this prayer no matter our church affiliation for we are all Christians striving to show the world the love of Jesus Christ ....

As Catholics, we recognize that prayer is of the utmost importance, an invaluable contribution to helping poor people overseas. We invite you to join us in bringing to Our Lord the following intentions and thanks.
Lord, help us to recognize you in the stranger in need, whether you show yourself in our path or reveal yourself in the poorest and most vulnerable people across the globe.
Let us pray that, in the new year, the Spirit teaches us how to continually walk in faith and that the work of our hands, minds and hearts reflects the meaning of the Gospel.
Lord, teach us to live our faith. As your word guides our souls, so let it guide our attitudes toward people in great need who look to us as their only hope.
Let us pray for clearer understanding from you, Lord, of what you mean by seeking your kingdom first and by amassing treasure in heaven.