Monday, June 15, 2009

In the News

Friday afternoon I went to Art & Clay to keep an eye on the babies so that Kaeden, Kristyl and his best bud Kam could paint a memory. A photographer from the Lancaster Eagle Gazette was there and shot a pic of the group of them is in the Sunday paper! We later went to "Uncle Al's" to have hot dogs! It was a fun time.

That evening Tim and I went with the Moloney's to their neighborhood Street Fair sponsored by a local radio station. It was a hoot! Caitlyn went home with us and spent the night. We watched Peter Pan! and ate timbits!!

Saturday, Kaeden's baseball team won the Championship!!! How cool is that?

Tim and I went to Friendship Indiana on Saturday...that is another story!!

Today my video camera is being delivered!! I also found out that Brad, our sound man for our Praise Team, does video taping....I am going to pick his brain for tips...look out Brad!!