Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Remember Jesus is the Reason for this Season
Thursday, November 19, 2009
by Max Lucado
A businessman bought popcorn from an old street vendor each day after lunch. He once arrived to find the peddler closing up his stand at noon. "Is something wrong?" he asked.
A smile wrinkled the seller's leathery face. "By no means. All is well."
"Then why are you closing your popcorn stand?"
"So I can go to my house, sit on my porch, and sip tea with my wife."
The man of commerce objected. "But the day is still young. You can still sell."
"No need to," the stand owner replied. "I've made enough money for today."
"Enough? Absurd. You should keep working."
The spry old man stopped and stared at his well-dressed visitor. "And why should I keep working?"
"To sell more popcorn."
"And why sell more popcorn?"
"Because the more popcorn you sell, the more money you make. The more money you make, the richer you are. The richer you are, the more popcorn stands you can buy. The more popcorn stands you buy, the more peddlers sell your product, and the richer you become. And when you have enough, you can stop working, sell your popcorn stands, stay home, and sit on the porch with your wife and drink tea."
The popcorn man smiled. "I can do that today. I guess I have enough."
Wise was the one who wrote, "Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income" (Eccles. 5:10 NIV).
Don't heed greed.
Greed makes a poor job counselor.
Greed has a growling stomach. Feed it, and you risk more than budget-busting debt. You risk losing purpose. Greed can seduce you out of your sweet spot.
Before you change your job title, examine your perspective toward life. Success is not defined by position or pay scale but by this: doing the most what you do the best.
Parents, give that counsel to your kids. Tell them to do what they love to do so well that someone pays them to do it.
Spouses, urge your mate to choose satisfaction over salary. Better to be married to a happy person who has a thin wallet than a miserable person with a thick one. Besides, "a pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life" (Prov. 13:7 MSG).
Pursue the virtue of contentment. "Godliness with contentment is great gain" (1 Tim. 6:6 NIV). When choosing or changing jobs, be careful. Consult your design. Consult your Designer. But never consult your greed.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Today, this day is a good day!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Kollier, Caitlyn and Kamden
Life is good and God is in control.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Words of Life"Nevertheless..." (II Corinthians 7:6)
Dr. Mark Rutland is the new president of Oral Roberts University and the author of Nevertheless: The Most Powerful Word You Can Use to Defeat the Enemy.
John Wesley said, "I know of no holiness save social holiness." He meant that we do not live out our piety in relationship with God alone but in community with others. The downside of community is that no one can test your sanctification like your brother-in-law, the antichrist. The upside is that just when you are ready to collapse under the unbearable weight of grief and suffering, Titus shows up with love letters from Corinth.
Some believers tend to so over-spiritualize their faith that the relational aspect gets lost in the glow. Jesus painfully peeled away the soft spiritual goo to reveal the hard core realities of relational holiness as no other teacher ever has. Probably, that was a large part of what got Him killed.
The golden thematic thread that runs through the entire tapestry of the Sermon on the Mount is relational holiness. In that great teaching, theology (spiritual theory) was not Jesus' point. It was human application (spiritual practices). He was teaching, not about what we ought to believe, but about how we should act, love, live, and forgive. You want to get folks angry enough to kill you, just leave the theoretical realm and deal with horizontal, relational reality. Preach on love and win medals. Talk to a man about how he treats his mother-in-law and wind up nailed to the wall.
Jesus taught that everything, even, or perhaps especially, offerings to God, must be seen in the light of human relationships. "If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift." (Matt. 5:23-24)
The Bible never envisioned our being reconciled to God apart from our being reconciled to each other. No amount of spiritual language can change that. Nevertheless beautifully bridges the gap between the spiritual and the pragmatic.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
by Max Lucado
If you live in a world darkened by sin, you may be its victim.
Jesus is honest about the life we are called to lead. There is no guarantee that just because we belong to him we will go unscathed. No promise is found in Scripture that says when you follow the king you are exempt from battle. No, often just the opposite is the case.
How do we survive the battle? How do we endure the fray?
Jesus says: "Those people who keep their faith until the end will be saved" (Matthew 24:13 NCV).
He doesn't say if you succeed you will be saved. Or if you come out on top you will be saved. He says if you endure.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Miller Family’s loss
Mickey's little sister has passed away at the age of 51. I remember Molly so well from our teenage years…I always loved spending time at the Miller house. It is hard to lose someone so young. My prayers go out to Molly and her family.
It takes strength to remember, to hold on to memories even though they prick your heart, make your tough skin bleed.
It takes a certain kind of courage to know that memory's flaws are nothing more than a human tendency to refuse what hurts them.
After all, who wants pain?
But there is something beneath the shallow surface of hurt--acceptance of what has happened before,
and the knowledge that the future has better things in store.
May we all find our way home to where we belong….
where there is no pain and every tear shall be dried
From the song "Where I Belong" by MercyMe
Everybody hopes
That maybe somewhere down this road
We'd finally find that place where we belong
That place where we're complete
The one that occupies our dreams
That place we're lucky to call our home
Well, I have arrived
And I can't keep this inside
So I raise my hands
And shout Your name
To praise You with my song
My dream's at hand
I've found my place
The place where I belong
Everybody tries
To find the purpose for their life
In hopes that one more day is justified
But once you truly see
The very reason why you breathe
It becomes so much more than getting by
Well, I have arrived
And I can't keep this inside
Friday, September 11, 2009
The real facts about Health Care Reform
If You Have Health Insurance,
| If You Don't Have Insurance,
| For All Americans,
Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Where do we find our identity?
Powerful words to ponder from Kevin Greiner's blog
Friday, August 21, 2009
Religion versus relationship
From Kevin's Blog….words of wisdom!
"Jimmy" is a model Christian. He's about as perfect as they come. His behavior is moral and kind. He attends church every week, leads a mid-week Bible study and teaches a Sunday school class. In addition, he has regular, daily devotions and is frequently reading Christian books.
Everyone speaks well of Jimmy. Everyone, that is, but God.
Jimmy's problem is not that he is doing anything wrong. In fact, he is doing things very well. The problem is a question of motive. You see, there are two ways we can approach God. The most common way is through religion. In religion, we attempt by our behavior to seek God's favor or blessing in our lives. The religious person, whether Hindu or Christian or Muslim, does what their religion requires out of a place of emptiness. They need God's blessing, so they do whatever their particular faith says is necessary to experience God's favor.
The Christian faith is the only faith that offers an alternative to religion - relationship. In relationship, we already know that we are fully accepted and loved by God. As a result, our behavior is no longer an attempt to earn His favor, but the response of a heart that knows it is truly loved.
Sadly, most Christians have never had a deep experience of the love of the Father, let alone an on-going sense of His favor. As a result, whether we realize it or not, we become like Jimmy and start living out of religion instead of relationship. That is because when we are empty inside, we will make getting our emptiness filled the motive for what we do, whether we realize it or not. Our outward behavior may be wonderful, but it is a form of manipulation, not adoration.
It is only when we are filled with the love of the Father that we are able to live unselfishly, because it is only then that we have no need we are desperate to meet. We are free to love others and serve God with no ulterior motive. Our life is now a response to being loved, not a desperate attempt to get love.
That is the true Christian - the one who lives their life as an outflow of a love relationship with God. Other followers of Jesus may indeed be born again, but they have not entered into the abundant life that God offers each one of us.
So how do we enter into this abundant life? It is not necessarily easy or quick. For me, it took several years of unlearning my performance-based Christianity and learning to make seeking God my top priority. When He became more important than all of my other Christian activities, then things began to change. Still, I needed a lot of emotional healing to be able to receive the love that God had for me.
The result is that much of the time I walk in an awareness that I am incredibly loved by the Father. That awareness changes the entire way I think about life, myself and other people. What matters most is simply loving God back and worshipping Him. Ambition, pride, selfishness are all crucified by the power of love.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
My prayer for you
May today be all you need it to be. May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit rest in your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight, and conquer all your fears. May God manifest himself today in ways you have never experienced. May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer, and your prayers be answered. I pray that faith enters a new height for you; I pray that your territory is enlarged. I pray for peace, healing, health, happiness, prosperity, joy, true and undying love for God. God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.
A dear friend sent this to me today…I thought that I would share it with those I love!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Healing For The Rejection We All Experience
by Kevin H. Grenier "He was despised and rejected by men, My father died on my sixth birthday. Leukemia. I soon found that I had lost my mom as well. Her need to work and her own emotional pain crowded nurturing and time together out of my life. Then, two moves in the next three years made me the new kid in town that got picked on by everyone else. By seventh grade, things had changed. I was well-liked and accepted. But I had no friends -- no one to whom I revealed my true self. Why? I had experienced enough rejection by then that I was unwilling to risk being rejected again. There are three different types of rejection we can struggle with. The simplest is performance rejection. This occurs when we experience criticism for our actions that is not given in love. While such rejection stings, it is not devastating. A poor job evaluation is an example of performance rejection. The second type of rejection is very painful. Personhood rejection occurs when people reject who we are. Our identity is called deficient, not our conduct. I remember a teacher in fifth grade calling me names when I did not attend his class. My inability to please him (performance rejection) resulted in a rejection of who I was (personhood rejection). A small incident? Yes. But I remember it 37 years later. Rejection, like abuse, is not measured by what happens, but by the impact it has. The lack of affirmation is another part of personhood rejection. Just like flowers need water, we need affirmation. When affirmation is withheld, our sense of being acceptable withers and dies. Even though no one may say anything negative, the lack of anything positive is just as powerful a rejection. We rejected ones may become people pleasers, keeping everyone else happy regardless of the personal cost. Or we may seek rejection. We don't want it, but performance rejection is less painful than the personhood rejection we fear. In both cases, we end up living in emotional isolation. From there, it is a short distance to third type of rejection - self-rejection. In this place, we despise and punish ourselves for who we are. By rejecting ourselves, we are finally able to join everyone else who has rejected us. It has cost us happiness, but we don't think we deserve it anyway. Once rejected by others, it is easy for us to believe that God also rejects us. In fact, the more rejection we experience, the more difficult it is to have a relationship with God. We have already learned to perform for others and hide our true self away. When we do that with God, we find our relationship with Him as empty as relationships are with everyone else. Receiving healing from rejection brings us back to life emotionally. Intimacy is possible again and we feel more alive than ever. A significant part of this healing is found in allowing God access to our true selves. It is scary to do, but possible when we see that He is the ultimate recipient of rejection Read this short meditation slowly and prayerfully. Allow God to meet you in those sentences that emotionally parallel your own rejection. As you do, it will create the internal space needed for the Lord to comfort and heal. As the hammer descended onto the nails, the pain experienced by Jesus was intensely physical. Those blows and all the other abuse He experienced also carried with them the sting of rejection (Mark 9:12). Mankind had rejected its Maker. It was on the cross that Jesus experienced the culmination of a life of rejection.
Jesus experienced performance rejection when He did not do what everyone thought He should do. He experienced personhood rejection because He was not who everyone thought He should be. Yet, through it all, Jesus experienced the affirmation of the Father (Matthew 3:17). That is, until He hung on the cross. There in the midst of His deepest, loneliest and most agonizing hours, even the Father rejected Him (Mark 15:34). That rejection by the Father allowed God on the cross, who is as equally God as the Father (Colossians 1:19), to enter into the fullest and most painful expression of all human rejection the rejection of one's self. There is no road of rejection that we can walk where we will not find the footprints of the Savior. And in each step He has taken, we will see His blood, bringing forgiveness and healing to all who will receive it. This Week Prayer Kevin Grenier is the author of Rejection . Learn more at gatheringhispeople.org. |
Saturday, July 18, 2009
A movie maker I am not!
this is a link to my first video...don't laugh too hard!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
HECTIC that is my life
On a brighter note I had taken some video of Kollier Louise when they were here and I got to show her off to Brad! The art piece got shipped to DecoArt for Beijing...now if it only arrives there safely! I have most of the 72 tin pieces prepped for teaching at the Ohio Convention Center..progress!
Everyone have a blessed day...I am off to slay the video dragon...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Growing up in the Huber Family
Monday, June 22, 2009
Dora the Explorer and Father's Day!
Kaeden informed me that he has won 18 games (including the one his team played against the dads') and only lost 2.
Caityln is insisting on a sleep over, at her house this time! Me thinks she thinks I am a child!! Her little purple rug, although inviting, may break Nana's back. Her little white bed, although charming, would be a smidgeon to small!! But I must admit I always have a good time at her house!
We took Dad and Mom to eat at the Roadhouse for Father's Day and then we played cards....the women won.....again!!
It is a beautiful day in Lancaster. We are going on our daily bike ride. Lancaster's bike trail rocks!!
Have a blessed day..
Friday, June 19, 2009
Yesterday Ashley came by. She is so intelligent and stimulating to talk to. We discussed the year 2012 and all the things that are being forecast. I told her to place her trust in Jesus. He alone has the power to save. I am thankful for His loving mercies and the children He has given me.
I have been so busy with Convention teaching preparations...720 sheets to print, 72 tin pieces to basecoat..what fun. In the midst of this I am getting the equipment to video classes online for a paint company...anyone know anything about shooting video? I am thankful that He has given us sound minds!
Monday, June 15, 2009
In the News
That evening Tim and I went with the Moloney's to their neighborhood Street Fair sponsored by a local radio station. It was a hoot! Caitlyn went home with us and spent the night. We watched Peter Pan! and ate timbits!!
Saturday, Kaeden's baseball team won the Championship!!! How cool is that?
Tim and I went to Friendship Indiana on Saturday...that is another story!!
Today my video camera is being delivered!! I also found out that Brad, our sound man for our Praise Team, does video taping....I am going to pick his brain for tips...look out Brad!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
God is for you!
If your God is Mighty enough to ignite the sun, could it be that He is mighty enough to light your path? God is for you. Not “may be,” not “has been,” not “was,” not “would be,” but “God is!” He is for you. Today. At this hour. At this minute. As you read this sentence. No need to wait in line or come back tomorrow. He is with you. He could not be closer than he is at this second. His loyalty won’t increase if you are better nor lessen if you are worse. He is for you.
God is for you. Turn to the sidelines; that’s God cheering your run. Look past the finish line; that’s God applauding your steps. Listen for him in the bleachers, shouting your name. Too tired to continue? He’ll carry you. Too discouraged to fight? He’s picking you up. God is for you.God is for you. Had he a calendar, your birthday would be circled. If he drove a car, your name would be on his bumper. If there’s a tree in heaven, he’s carved your name in the bark. We know he has a tattoo, and we know what it says. “I have written your name on my hand,” he declares (Isa. 49:16).
Friday, June 5, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Peter Pan
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Our day..our life
It was nice to see Caitlyn's expression as she tried to understand that David is Nana's brother but is also Sarah's daddy...that Aunt Ruth is Nana's aunt but also Grandma Uber's sister ....family is special!! Mitch looked at the bath and studio that he is going to transform for us in the basement!! I enjoy my children and grandchildren.......It was a good Mother's Day!
Ruth's birthday is Tuesday. Mom, Sandy and I are going to Root's for lunch and to celebrate. Ruthie is very excited about it!!
Saturday night Mitch, Ashley, Mom and Dad went with us to Red Lobster to eat and I had another one of those crazy allergic reactions to shrimp? or whatever...it is getting old! I felt a little better by the time we got home from church thank goodness. I so appreciate good health!
I am going to meet some of my oldest and dearest friends this afternoon at Applebee's for lunch. Mickey is in town from Arizona and I haven't seen her for 6 months or more. It is always a good time!!
Between now and when we leave for North Carolina with Mom and Dad on Saturday, I have to paint 30 shoes. You heard me right, shoes. They will be the centerpieces for our Mother/Daughter Banquet the 23rd...... It sounded simple enough.....paint flowers on some shoes..but they have to be basecoated white first. Have you ever tried painting plastic, cloth and vinyl...it is not a pretty sight! Wish me luck!