Thursday, January 28, 2016

Max Lucado

Suppose you were to stand on a stage while a film of every secret and selfish moment of your life was projected on the screen behind you? Would you not scream for the heavens to have mercy? And would you not feel just a fraction of what Christ felt on the cross? The icy displeasure of a sin-hating God?
The Bible says Christ carried all our sins in his body. See Christ on the cross? That’s a gossiper hanging there. See Jesus? Embezzler….liar…bigot. Hold it, Max! Don’t you lump Christ with those evildoers. I didn’t. HE did. More than place his name in the same sentence, he placed himself in their place. And yours! With hands nailed open, he invited God, Treat me as you would them.  And God did. “My God, my God, why did you abandon me?” (Matthew 27:46). Why did Christ scream those words? It’s simple–so you will never have to!

we miss you Jamey!

you are always in my thoughts....the loss never lessens we just learn to live with it. I love you my sonny one...I love you!

Friday, January 15, 2016

From the inside out!

I always read Max excerpts after I do my Bible Study in the morning. I gauge my accuracy many times on confirmation of his teaching that day, Today I hit the mark...yeah! God is faithful to let me know I am on the right track :)

From Next Door Savior
~Max Lucado

My dog Molly couldn’t be a sweeter mutt. She sees every person as a friend and every day as a holiday. I have no problem with Molly’s attitude. I have a problem with her habits. Eating scraps out of the trash. Licking dirty plates in the dishwasher. What kind of behavior is that? It’s dog behavior!

Here’s my idea: a me-to-her transfusion. I want to deposit in her a kernel of human character. As it grows, will she not change? You think the plan is crazy? What I’d like to do with Molly, God does with us. He changes our nature from the inside out. God doesn’t send us to obedience school to learn new habits; he deposits a new heart–his heart–within us. Forget training; he gives transplants!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

中国新声代 李成宇 谭芷昀 《You Raise Me Up》

Live with the confidence that comes in the power of Jesus!

Satan can disturb us, but he cannot defeat us. The head of the serpent is crushed!
A petroleum company was hiring strong backs and weak minds to lay a pipeline. Since I qualified, much of a high-school summer was spent shoveling in a shoulder-high West Texas trough. One afternoon the digging machine dislodged more than dirt! “Snake!” shouted the foreman. We popped out of that hole faster than a jack-in-the-box. One worker launched his shovel and beheaded the rattler.

That scene is a parable of where we are in life. In Revelation 20:2 John calls Satan, “that old snake who is the devil.” Has he not been decapitated? Not with a shovel, but with a cross. So how does that leave us? Confident—in Jesus’ power over Satan! Trust the work of your Savior!

~Max Lucado

Monday, January 4, 2016

such wisdom...

Do you visit the Grand Canyon for the T-shirt or the snow globe? No! The reward of the Grand Canyon is the Grand Canyon! The wide-eyed realization that you are part of something ancient, splendid, powerful and greater than you!

The cache of Christianity is Christ! Not money in the bank or a car in the garage or a better self-image. The Fort Knox of faith is Christ! Fellowship with him…walking with him…pondering him. The heart-stopping realization that in Christ you are part of something endless, unstoppable, unfathomable! And that he, who can dig the Grand Canyon with his pinkie, thinks you’re worth his death on Roman timber. Christ is the reward of Christianity.

From Next Door Savior

~Max Lucado