Thursday, October 29, 2015

We need not remain a prodigal....come home!

Remember the story of the prodigal son? He squandered his inheritance on wild living and bad choices. He lost every penny. His trail dead-ended in a pigpen. One day he was so hungry he leaned over the pig trough, took a sniff, and drooled. He was just about to dig in when something within him awoke. Wait a second. What am I doing wallowing in the mud?Then he made a decision that changed his life forever. “I will arise and go to my father.”

You can do that. You can’t undo all the damage you’ve done. But you can arise and go to your Father. Even the apostle Paul had to make this choice. He said, “I leave the past behind and with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead, I go straight for the goal” (Philippians 3:13-14).

Landing in a pigpen stinks. But staying there…is just plain stupid.

From Glory Days
~Max Lucado

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

God’s grace is greater than your failures. ~Max Lucado

Thank you Father for Your mercy, for Your grace,

It has been a crazy hectic October! With my couple of days residing over the Moloney house while Mom and Dad were in the Bahamas for some much needed R&R and then coming home to get ready for the Haunted Quarry...can you say cray cray?

The Fulton girls along with friend, Sarah, spent the night with Nana and Pooh to help ? with the PARTY! It rained all day Saturday and all of us were soaked (funny how the girls did not seem to mind) but everything got cleaned, decorated and cooked. We had a wonderful time even in the rain.

Lots of new people from the Wellston area came with Kristyl and I managed to keep Maci's appearance a secret...heheh. She is one of the family!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Romans 8:31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

No one....

I am having lunch with fellow retired co-workers from FMC where I worked for many years. I have been gone for about 11 years but I love hearing what everyone is up to in these golden years of ours!

Have a wonderful, blessed day!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

165th Fairfield County Fair....Oh my!

Last night we took my 88 and 83 year old parents to the Lancaster Fair.  My youngest daughters boyfriend is a bull rider in his free time! Yikes. He and his son rode last night and we have never watched them so off we went with parents in tow. There is only reserved seating so I never dreamed that our reserved seats would be at the top of the Grandstand. Getting Mom up there let's just took awhile! Thank goodness, as the rain fell, my daughter's car was parked closely enough that she could ride us to FIND our car since hubby could not remember where he parked it... such doings will probably not be repeated with them.

I am thankful for the memories!

Have a wonderful day and appreciate the moments of your life.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Max Lucado

Jericho’s shady lady found God—or better worded, God found Rahab the harlot. He spotted a tender heart in the hard city of Jericho and reached out to save her. He would have saved the entire city, but no one else made the request. Then again, Rahab the harlot had an advantage. She had nothing to lose. She was at the bottom of the rung. She had already lost her reputation. She was at the bottom of the pit.

Perhaps that’s where you are as well. You may or may not sell your body, but you’ve sold your allegiance, affection, attention, and talents. You’ve sold out. Glory days? Perhaps for him or for her. But not for me. I’m too soiled, dirty. I’ve sinned too much. No Glory Days for me!
God’s one-word reply for such doubt? Rahab! God has a place for the Rahabs of the world! He has a place for you!

From Glory Days

Thursday, October 8, 2015

John 8:32 Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Jesus is the only way to the Father. He is the truth of God revealed to man.  He is the only light in a world with way too much darkness!

Let the light of Christ shine through you so that in your little sphere, where you reside, others will see that light and be drawn to God's love given to the world in Him!

Have a blessed day!