Monday, July 27, 2015

“You evil servant! I forgave you that tremendous debt. Shouldn’t you have mercy just as I had mercy on you?” (Matthew 18:32).

How wonderful it would be if the people who call on His name could dwell in peace with each other. We do not have to agree on everything we just need to be tolerant and grateful for all we have been forgiven by showing others that same forgiveness.

Be blessed in His holy name!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

~Max Lucado

Some years ago a Rottweiler attacked our golden retriever puppy at a kennel. The animal climbed out of its run and into Molly’s and nearly killed her. I wrote a letter to the dog’s owner, urging him to put the dog to sleep. But when I showed the letter to the kennel owner, she begged me to reconsider. “What the dog did was horrible, but I’m still training him. I’m not finished with him yet.”

God would say the same about the Rottweiler who attacked you. “What he did was unacceptable, inexcusable, but I’m not finished yet.” Your enemies still figure into God’s plan. Their pulse is proof. God hasn’t given up on them. They may be out of His will, but not out of His reach. You honor God when you see them, not as His failures, but as His projects!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Let God handle the messy things of life....let go and let God!

“Be merciful to me, O God!
For my soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I make my refuge.” (Psalm 57:1)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Lord help me to always remember Your goodness and Your righteousness!

Wander daily through the gallery of God’s goodness. Catalog His kindnesses. Look at what you have. ~Max Lucado

Be blessed!

Monday, July 20, 2015

1 Samuel 16:7 says, “. . .man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

What a fun but hectic week! It started Monday with the 3 Fulton grand babies spending a few days with us while Mom & Dad went to a business meeting. On Thursday I did a small painting job for the Church and then my sister and her hubby came to spend a couple of days...can you spell F.O.O.D. we had out a lot! Sunday after Church the Moloney family came over and we celebrated my Grandson's 3rd Birthday how the heck did that pass so quickly?

I love my life and my family

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Love one another as Christ loves you!

What a wonderful time we had going and returning from Newtown, CT for my nephews wedding on the 4th of July. The Rehearsal Dinner, the Ceremony, the Reception...all about combining two families into one cohesive whole. It was beautiful to experience and to be a part of!

The Bride and her Mother are from India but have lived in the states for most of her life. Her Godmother and her family were here from India and she and I gave readings. We represented the blending of the families and the new beginning of this precious couple. My parents, his grandparents, are 82 and 87 and they traveled with us to CT...can you say comical? That is what we are as a group.

I am so very thankful to God for giving me my family...He knew exactly what He was doing!