Thursday, February 27, 2014

James 1:2, “When you have many kinds of troubles.”

Troubles are a normal part of life.

How we handle them speaks volumes about where we are in our walk with God.

Have a blessed day :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

~Max Lucado

The Lord’s Supper is a gift to you. The Lord’s Supper is a holy invitation. A sacred sacrament bidding you to leave the chores of life and enter his splendor. He meets you at the table.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The simplicity of the Bible saves people!

Love God and love His fellow creations...simple!

Today I will work on our taxes and my parents. We are blessed to live in the United States and to be able to pay our fair share!

Be blessed :)

Monday, February 24, 2014

“Believe me, unless you change your whole outlook and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3).”

I try to enjoy this life that God has given me and use the memories to sustain me in the bad times. My gifts, my talents, are given by Him to me to keep me occupied using them for His glory! 

Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Yesterday the Moloney group came to the house and the guys worked on building a car for Ciarnan and Cait for the derby that they are going to be in in March!

The parents came over and Marla and I had a gab session with them until I took all the babies into the studio to paint...omgoodness. Carrig is now the youngest inductee at 18 months. Covered in paint more describes the babies and the studio :)

Have a blessed day!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

~Max Lucado

God did what we wouldn’t dare dream. 
He did what we could not imagine. 
He became a man so we could trust him.
 He became a sacrifice so we could know him. 
And he defeated death so we could follow him.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

We are all one in Christ

His body. His hands. His feet.

We need to be about our Fathers business :)

I am going to enjoy a near 50 degree day here in the Ohio Valley...OMGoodness it has been awhile!

Be blessed and enjoy the day that you have been given :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Thank you Mom and Dad!

The people who make a difference are not the ones with the most credentials, but the ones with the most concern.

~Max Lucado

Thursday, February 13, 2014

~Max Lucado

No price is too high for a parent to pay to redeem his child. No energy is too great.  No effort too demanding. A parent will go to any length to find his or her own. So will God. Mark it down. God’s greatest creation is not the flung stars or the gorged canyons.  It’s his eternal plan to reach his children. Heaven and earth know no greater passion than God’s personal passion for you and your return!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

In all things with prayer and supplication place it before the Lord believing that His hand will be in it!

It may not turn out the way that we would like for it to but it will always come out to His glory when we invite Him into all areas of our life.

Yesterday we played cards with my parents....always fun! I was just thankful to be able to get safely out of our house and back again!! Other than Church we have been pretty much house bound since the beginning of February and most of January.

I long for some heat and no snow :) BUT I am thankful for a house with heat, food to eat and a 4 wheel drive truck that gets us out of our driveway...even if it does have 160,000 miles on it!

Stay warm (it is -11 here in our town) and be blessed.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

“You will search for me,” God declared. “And when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me. I will let you find me” (Jeremiah 29:13).

He promises that if we seek Him we WILL find reassuring is that?

I am suppose to spend the night out of town at my daughters' Saturday night with this weather it could be a challenge getting there!

Stay warm and be blessed.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

~Max Lucado

When people are refused access to Christ by those closest to him, the result is empty, hollow religion.  Ugly religion.

Hard to believe?  Yet it happens—even in the church. It happens when a church spends more time discussing the style of its sanctuary than it does the needs of the hungry. It happens when a church is known more for its stance on an issue than its reliance upon God. It happens when we think Jesus has more important things to do than to be bothered by such insignificant people.

Christ thought otherwise. Jesus felt sorry for the blind men and touched their eyes, and at once they could see.  In that moment, of all the people, it was the blind who really saw Jesus.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Blessed beyond measure!

We had a wonderful weekend! Saturday the girls and their families came to the house to celebrate Cait's and Kami's Birthdays. The weather was in the 50's (a virtual heat wave) Marla brought pizza and donuts from her 2 very favorite places in town.....Fat Cat Pizza and Donut World on 6th. It was a good time!

Sunday for the first time in two weeks we could get out of our driveway and to Church. It was a very special worship service!

 Later Sunday afternoon we went with Ashley and Chuck to watch Shelby play in a basketball game....sweet! The team they were playing had a little #12 player that reminded Ashley and I soooo much of Kristyl when she played ball!

It was a good we are in the midst of more snow and ice storms... today, Tuesday and Saturday....OMGoodness!Tuesday DH is having a procedure in Columbus at 8 am and I am suppose to spend the night with Kristyl and family on Saturday we will see what happens :(

Be blessed and stay warm.